Living mindfully is about being fully present, cultivating awareness, and embracing the beauty of each moment. It’s a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness that leads to a more meaningful and balanced life. In this article we will explore key indicators that can help you assess whether you are living mindfully and provide guidance on how to enhance your mindful living practice.

Cover Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

Self Checks

Use each of the following items as part of the “Am I Mindful?” checklist. Remember that the more habits you participate in on a day-to-day basis and mark as checked the more closer you are on your journey to achieving mindfulness.

Being Present in Daily Activities. Do you find yourself fully engaged and attentive during daily activities such as eating, walking, or conversing with others?

Awareness of Thoughts and Emotions. Are you conscious of your thoughts and emotions without judgment, observing them as they arise without getting entangled in them?

Mindful Breathing. Do you practice conscious breathing, using the breath as an anchor to bring your focus back to the present moment?

Appreciating Simple Pleasures. Are you able to find joy and appreciation in simple pleasures like a cup of tea, the beauty of nature, or a heartfelt conversation?

Non-Judgmental Observation. Can you observe your experiences and the world around you without labeling them as good or bad, right or wrong?

Savoring Moments of Stillness. Do you create moments of stillness and solitude to recharge and connect with yourself?

Engaging in Mindful Listening. Are you fully present when listening to others, giving them your undivided attention without interrupting or formulating responses in your mind?

Balanced Approach to Technology. Do you use technology intentionally and mindfully, rather than becoming absorbed in constant distractions?

Gratitude Practice. Do you regularly express gratitude for the blessings in your life, both big and small?

Compassion Towards Self and Others. Are you kind and compassionate towards yourself and others, recognizing the shared humanity in everyone?

Letting Go of Attachments. Are you willing to let go of attachments to outcomes and expectations, embracing life as it unfolds?

Mindful Movement. Do you engage in mindful movement practices such as yoga, tai chi, or walking meditation?

Intentional Decision-Making. Do you make decisions with intention, considering the impact on yourself and others?

Cultivating Patience. Are you patient with the ebb and flow of life, accepting that some things take time to unfold?

Awareness of Breath in Stressful Situations. Can you use your breath as a tool to remain calm and centered in challenging or stressful situations?


Living mindfully is a transformative practice that enriches our lives and deepens our connection to the present moment. By reflecting on the checklist and honestly assessing your mindfulness journey, you can identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth. Remember, mindfulness is not about perfection but about the willingness to embrace each moment with open-hearted awareness. Continuously monitoring your mindful living practice can lead to greater peace, joy, and fulfillment in all aspects of life.

Written by

Isabella da Silva

Straight from Rio de Janeiro, she entwines the beauty of mindfulness with her captivating storytelling. Her literary creations are immersive journeys, guiding readers to experience the present moment with heightened awareness and appreciation. Isabella's prose invites readers to discover the profound serenity that mindfulness offers, encouraging them to embrace stillness, gratitude, and self-reflection. Through her words, she shares the transformative gift of mindfulness, empowering others to live more mindfully and authentically.